Vasili Grossman fue corresponsal de guerra en el frente de Stalingrado cuando la perla del Volga padeció la feroz ofensiva de los ejércitos alemanes. Nadie como el autor de la memorable Vida y destino supo plasmar el impresionante fresco de una batalla que marcó el curso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El ritmo trepidante de su pulso narrativo transporta al lector a los combates calle por calle, casa por casa, puerta por puerta, bajo las bombas y un incesante fuego de artillería. Años de guerra reúne novelas y relatos como ®El pueblo es inmortal¯ o ®El viejo profesor¯, así como las crónicas de Grossman sobre sus vivencias en el frente de Stalingrado o sobre el avance inexorable de las tropas soviéticas hasta las puertas de Berlín, amén del impresionante ®El infierno de Treblinka¯, el primer testimonio de los horrores del Holocausto que fue utilizado en el Tribunal de Nuremberg. Publicados íntegramente por vez primera en España, estos textos conforman un todo de una magnitud épica sobre uno de los episodios que cambió el rumbo de la historia y constituyen una nueva muestra del talento narrativo de Vasili Grossman.
Vasily Semyonovich Grossman (Russian: December 12, 1905 - September 14, 1964) was a Soviet writer and journalist. Grossman trained as an engineer and worked in the Donets Basin, but changed career in the 1930s and published short stories and several novels. At the outbreak of the Second World War, he became a war correspondent for the Red Army newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda, writing firsthand accounts of the battles of Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk and Berlin. Grossman's eyewitness accounts of conditions in a Nazi extermination camp, following the liberation of Treblinka, were among the earliest.<BR><BR>After World War II, Grossman's faith in the Soviet state was shaken by Joseph Stalin's embrace of antisemitism in the final years before his death in 1953. While Grossman was never arrested by Soviet authorities, his two major literary works (Life and Fate and Everything Flows) were censored during the ensuing Nikita Khrushchev period as unacceptably anti-Soviet, and Grossman himself became in effect a nonperson. The KGB raided Grossman's flat after he had completed Life and Fate, seizing manuscripts, notes and even the ribbon from the typewriter on which the text had been written. Grossman was told by the Communist Party's chief ideologist Mikhail Suslov that the book could not be published for two or three hundred years. At the time of Grossman's death from stomach cancer in 1964, these books were unreleased. Copies were eventually smuggled out of the Soviet Union by a network of dissidents, including Andrei Sakharov and Vladimir Voinovich, and first published in the West, before appearing in the Soviet Union in 1988.<BR><BR>Wikipedia